2023 - 2024 News & Updates
The Deferred Retirement Option Plan (DROP) interest rate for calendar year 2024 will be 5.11%, effective January 1, 2024. The rate was approved by the HMEPS Board of Trustees at the November 2023 Board meeting.
The DROP interest rate calculation is set forth in the HMEPS Pension Statute. The DROP interest rate as of January 1 of each year is a rate equal to half of HMEPS’ rolling five-fiscal-year investment return net of investment expenses, but not less than 2.5% nor more than 7.5%. The five-year net investment return on HMEPS’ investments as of the end of fiscal year 2023 is 10.21%. Half of 10.21% is 5.11%. Therefore, DROP participants in 2024 will receive 5.11% interest on their DROP accounts.
DROP is an optional retirement method for Group A and Group B members who have reached their normal retirement eligibility (age and years of credited service) but do not want to retire. It is an alternative method of accumulating and receiving a pension benefit from HMEPS. To speak with a benefit counselor to learn more about DROP, please call the HMEPS office at 713-595-0100.
The cost of living adjustment (COLA) will be 2.0% beginning February 1, 2024.
The COLA calculation is set forth in the HMEPS Pension Statute. The COLA is equal to HMEPS’ five-year investment return, based on a rolling five-year basis and net of investment expenses, minus the assumed rate of return less two percentage points, and multiplied by 50%, but not less than 0% nor more than 2%. The five-year net investment return on HMEPS’ investments as of the end of fiscal year 2023 is 10.21%, and the 7% assumed rate of return less two percentage points is 5%, and half of the difference between the five-year investment return minus 5% is 2.61%, which is more than the maximum of 2%. Therefore, the COLA is 2.0%. The COLA was approved by the HMEPS Board of Trustees at the November 2023 Board meeting.
The COLA, not compounded, is applied to pension benefits for all group A retirees and group B retirees, and for all group D retirees who terminate employment on or after July 1, 2017 with at least five years of credited service, and survivor benefits for eligible survivors of a former member of group A or group B, or of a former member of group D who terminated employment on or after July 1, 2017 with at least five years of credited service, if such eligible person is receiving a pension or survivor benefit as of January 1 of the year in which the increase is made. For DROP, the COLA, not compounded, is applied only to the DROP account of an active DROP participant who is at least 62 years of age as of January 1 of the year in which the increase is made.
2022 News & Updates
2011 News & Updates
UPDATE 6-29-11
HMEPS and City of Houston Finalize Funding Agreement - June 29, 2011
Today, the Houston City Council approved the Amended and Restated Meet an Confer Agreement (Agreement) that was negotiated between HMEPS and the Mayor's office.
For more information, click here.
2012 News & Updates
UPDATE 1-24-12
Congratulations to Our Recently Elected Board Officers
In each odd-numbered year, the HMEPS Board of Trustees elects Board officers to the positions of Chairman, Vice Chairman and Secretary. At the January 24, 2013 meeting, the HMEPS Board unanimously re-elected Sherry Mose as Chairman, Roy W. Sanchez as Vice Chairman, and Lonnie Vara as Secretary. Each Trustee has demonstrated skill and leadership in their respective positions and the officers look forward to working with the Board to continue to strengthen HMEPS and provide excellent service to our participants.
UPDATE 10-25-12
DROP Interest Rate for Calendar Year 2013
The Deferred Retirement Option Plan (DROP) interest rate for calendar year 2013 will be 2.5%, effective January 1, 2013. The rate was approved by the HMEPS Board of Trustees at the October 2012 Board meeting.
Several DROP participants have asked how the DROP rate is determined. Under the Meet and Confer Agreement, the DROP interest rate for each calendar year is half (50%) of the HMEPS investment return for the prior fiscal year, with a maximum rate of 7.5% and a minimum rate of 2.5%. The HMEPS investment return for Fiscal Year 2012 was -0.14%. Because half of -0.14% is less than the minimum rate of 2.5%, DROP participants in 2013 will receive 2.5% on their DROP accounts.
DROP is an optional retirement method for members who have reached their normal retirement eligibility (age and years of credited service) but do not want to retire. It is an alternative method of accumulating and receiving a pension benefit from HMEPS. To speak with a benefit counselor to learn more about DROP, please call the HMEPS office at 713-595-0100.
UPDATE 9-21-12
Update on the Texas Legislature - September 12, 2012 PIFS Meeting
On September 12, 2012 the Texas House of Representatives Pensions, Investments and Financial Services (PIFS) Committee met to discuss several topics, including pensions. At the meeting, we reviewed for the Committee the history and current status of HMEPS, and answered questions from Committee members. Our primary message was that the existing Meet and Confer process works. A key reason it works is that one side cannot control the negotiation or unilaterally make changes. Good faith, arms-length negotiations, including appropriate checks and balances, are the essence of the process.
We were pleased to see that the City of Houston, in its written comments submitted to the Committee, agrees that the Meet and Confer process has been successful with HMEPS. Because of the City’s ability to negotiate with HMEPS under the State meet and confer law, the City, according to its statement, “has been able to make substantial progress in providing sustainable, secure retirement plans for…municipal employees.” (Click here for City of Houston "Rationale for Local Control of Pensions" document.)
Be assured that the responsible and professional trustees and staff at HMEPS are the sole fiduciaries of the system, and that we will remain vigilant in providing a secure retirement benefit for all our participants.
Sherry Mose
Chairman, HMEPS Board of Trustees
UPDATE 8-10-12
HMEPS Receives Award for Excellence in Financial Reporting
The Houston Municipal Employees Pension System (HMEPS) has been awarded the Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting by the Government Finance Officers Association of the United States and Canada (GFOA) for its 2011 Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR).
According to the GFOA's release, "the Certificate of Achievement is the highest form of recognition in governmental accounting and financial reporting, and its attainment represents a significant accomplishment by a government and its management.”
“The CAFR was judged by an impartial panel to meet the highest standards of the program including demonstrating a constructive 'spirit of full disclosure' to clearly communicate its financial story and motivate potential users and user groups to read the CAFR."
"We are honored to be recognized by GFOA for our CAFR," said HMEPS Executive Director Rhonda Smith. "Accurate and transparent financial reporting is a top priority at HMEPS, and we are pleased to receive the award."
The GFOA is a non-profit professional association serving approximately 17,500 government finance professionals with offices in Chicago, IL and Washington, D.C. For more information visit
UPDATE 4-9-12
HMEPS Highlighted As One of the Top Performing Local Public Retirement Systems in Texas
HMEPS is well-positioned to deliver secure benefits to its members and value to taxpayers for the long-term. HMEPS, while not immune to the effects of the recession, has weathered the storm better than most public pension systems in part because of sound management of its assets. HMEPS’ 2011 earnings on investments were 22.17%, which greatly exceeded our expected return of 8.5%, and our long-term returns are at and above our expected return.
To view the article please click here.
2013 News & Updates
DROP Interest Rate is 6.79% for Calendar Year 2014
The Deferred Retirement Option Plan (DROP) interest rate for calendar year 2014 will be 6.79%, effective January 1, 2014. The rate was approved by the HMEPS Board of Trustees at the October 2013 Board meeting.
Several DROP participants have asked how the DROP rate is determined. Under the Meet and Confer Agreement, the DROP interest rate for each calendar year is half (50%) of the HMEPS investment return for the prior fiscal year, with a maximum rate of 7.5% and a minimum rate of 2.5%. The HMEPS investment return for Fiscal Year 2013 was 13.58% so DROP participants in 2014 will receive 6.79% on their DROP accounts.
DROP is an optional retirement method for members who have reached their normal retirement eligibility (age and years of credited service) but do not want to retire. It is an alternative method of accumulating and receiving a pension benefit from HMEPS. To speak with a benefit counselor to learn more about DROP, please call the HMEPS office at 713-595-0100.
Max Patterson article "Houston's Pension Plan Funding Holds Up Under Scrutiny"
Max Patterson, Executive Director of the Texas Association of Public Employees Retirement Systems, wrote a letter that appeared in the Houston Chronicle's August 28th edition in response to Columnist Bill King's article. The article highlighted the strong returns of the City's pension systems. Click on the following link to read the full article:
Patterson: Houston's pension plan funding holds up under scrutiny
Houston Is Not Detroit - A Tale of Two Cities
In light of the City of Detroit's unfortunate filing for bankruptcy recently, some have asked if such a troubling event could occur with the City of Houston. The answer is almost certainly no. Indeed, a comparison of Detroit and Houston reveals two cities headed in opposite directions.
Detroit is, sadly, in decline, while Houston is ascending.
To continue reading, click here.
Visit HMEPS’ New Social Media Pages
As part of our efforts to stay connected with you, HMEPS is pleased to announce we are now on Facebook and Twitter. To visit the new Facebook page, click here. To follow us on Twitter, click here.
HMEPS Member Video
HMEPS is proud to present our Member Video, which highlights the fact that retirement pensions are vital earned benefits for our participants, and that those benefit payments also provide a strong boost to the Houston economy and the city's economic recovery. To view the video, click here.
UPDATE 1-24-13 - Congratulations to Our Recently Elected Board Officers
In each odd-numbered year, the HMEPS Board of Trustees elects Board officers to the positions of Chairman, Vice Chairman and Secretary. At the January 24, 2013 meeting, the HMEPS Board unanimously re-elected Sherry Mose as Chairman, Roy W. Sanchez as Vice Chairman, and Lonnie Vara as Secretary. Each Trustee has demonstrated skill and leadership in their respective positions and the officers look forward to working with the Board to continue to strengthen HMEPS and provide excellent service to our participants.
2014 News & Updates
HMEPS is Recognized for Fiduciary Excellence
We are pleased to announce the certification of the Houston Municipal Employees Pension System in the CEFEX Investment Steward program. The Centre for Fiduciary Excellence (CEFEX), announced today that it has certified the investment fiduciary practices of the Houston Municipal Employees Pension System as adhering to a global standard of excellence for Investment Stewards. HMEPS is among the first organizations in the world to successfully complete the independent CEFEX certification process.
Please click on the following link to view the formal release: News Release
DROP Interest Rate is 7.5% for Calendar Year 2015
The Deferred Retirement Option Plan (DROP) interest rate for calendar year 2015 will be 7.5%, effective
January 1, 2015. The rate was approved by the HMEPS Board of Trustees at the October 2014 Board meeting.
Under the Meet and Confer Agreement, the DROP interest rate for each calendar year is half (50%) of the HMEPS investment return for the prior fiscal year, with a maximum rate of 7.5% and a minimum rate of 2.5%. The HMEPS investment return for Fiscal Year 2014 was 16.39% so DROP participants in 2015 will receive 7.5% on their DROP accounts.
DROP is an optional retirement method for members who have reached their normal retirement eligibility (age and years of credited service) but do not want to retire. It is an alternative method of accumulating and receiving a pension benefit from HMEPS. To speak with a benefit counselor to learn more about DROP, please call the HMEPS office at 713-595-0100.
HMEPS Responds to Pension Misinformation
In a recent opinion piece in the Houston Chronicle – “Houston, there is a pension problem” (October 1, 2014) -- Daniel DiSalvo, a fellow at the Manhattan Institute provided inaccurate and misleading information regarding the Houston Municipal Employees Pension System (HMEPS).
• Mr. DiSalvo first asserts that the City of Houston's "fiscal prudence is under pressure from rising public employee pension and health care costs," but proceeds to single out only pensions for criticism. Not only is there no analysis of health care costs' impact on City finances, there is no mention at all of overall spending, revenue, debt service or how the City plans long term and manages its total financial commitments. Thus the piece unfairly leaves the impression that only pensions are to blame for the City's fiscal challenges, while the reality is far more complicated.
• DiSalvo criticizes HMEPS as being only 61% funded, but does not mention that a substantial portion of the system's current unfunded liability is due to the City not making its actuarially required contribution (ARC) payments to HMEPS in recent years. In fact, a mutually agreed upon funding schedule will, over time, meet the ARC requirements and reduce HMEPS' unfunded liability.
• Mr. DiSalvo states that "pension payments are projected to gobble up 17% of the City's budget by 2017.” In fact, the City projects that 13.9% of spending in 2017 will be for pensions. (Click here for a presentation from the July 29, 2014 Budget and Fiscal Affairs Committee.) HMEPS makes up only about 3% of the 2017 number. DiSalvo’s overstatement is likely the result of having calculated the pension contributions for all employees as a percentage of the City’s “General Fund.” This significantly overstates the percentage because there are thousands of employees who are not paid from the General Fund. This is a common error.
• What are the true costs to Houston taxpayers for pensions? A recent study by the Center for Retirement Research at Boston College, which was called by the New York Times “the nations leading center on retirement studies,”-- found that Houston's pension cost to taxpayers is below average (5.1% of government revenue), and far below those of other major cities, as shown in the following graph:
• Public employees did not create the City's financial problems, but HMEPS has worked with the City to be part of a reasonable, fair, long-term solution to those problems.
Sherry Mose
Election News and Updates
For information pertaining to the Trustee election, click here to go to the Election News and Updates section.
HMEPS Receives Award of Excellence in Financial Reporting for Twentieth Consecutive Year
The Government Finance Officers Association of the United States and Canada (GFOA) has awarded the Houston Municipal Employees Pension System (HMEPS) a Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting for its 2013 Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR).
This is the twentieth consecutive year that HMEPS has been honored with a Certificate of Achievement by the GFOA. The GFOA established the CAFR recognition program in 1945 to encourage and assist state and local governments in reaching beyond the minimum requirements of generally accepted accounting principles in preparing CAFR reports.
“HMEPS is very proud to be awarded this recognition for the twentieth consecutive year,” said HMEPS Executive Director Rhonda Smith. “This is the highest form of recognition that the GFOA awards in governmental accounting and financial reporting. It is a significant accomplishment for HMEPS, and it reflects our deep commitment to accurate and transparent financial reporting.”
The GFOA is a non-profit professional association serving approximately 17,500 government financial professionals with offices in Chicago and Washington, D.C. For more information, visit
City Commissioned Pension Report Ignores a Decade of Reform
At a recent City Council Budget and Fiscal Affairs Committee meeting, the City’s representative made a presentation on a variety of pension-related topics. The presentation summarized a report prepared by the City’s actuary, Retirement Horizons Inc. (RHI), that the City commissioned and that attempts to identify “cost savings” that can be realized through proposed cuts to benefits.
We have reviewed the RHI Report and identified numerous faulty assumptions and factual misstatements that make the Report's conclusions questionable and impossible to judge. HMEPS has prepared and submitted a response to the City that addresses the report’s inaccuracies and deficiencies, including its failure to acknowledge the hundreds of millions of dollars in future benefit reductions and savings that have been achieved through reforms that have already been implemented. You can read our full response here.
The RHI report ignores previous reforms. The City’s Report appears to claim that great improvements in the HMEPS funded level and in City contributions will occur over the next several decades if suggested pension cuts are made. But significant improvements will happen due to the reforms that have already been achieved over the last decade through the Meet and Confer process. These reforms eliminated over $850 million in future benefits and will lead to full funding of HMEPS within approximately 30 years with the City paying what it agreed to pay and without any further diminishment of benefits.
HMEPS and City leaders worked together over the past decade to make significant reforms to the plan to fix the liabilities and give the City a schedule for putting in the right amount of money. The City’s pension representative has reported that the HMEPS liabilities have been fixed. The other side of the equation requires the City to properly fund its obligations. However, when it comes time to pay what it owes, manufactured numbers in this City-commissioned Report are being used to strike at the core of retirement security by proposing cuts to benefits. These are benefits that the men and women who work for the City have earned honestly and with the reasonable expectation that those earned benefits will be provided in exchange for the services that help make this City great and that will benefit Houstonians for generations to come.
It is fashionable to scapegoat pensions as the principal source of the City’s finance challenges, but the reality is much more complicated and involves revenue, spending, debt service and how the City plans long-term and manages its total commitments. However, we note that Council Member Stephen C. Costello, Chairman of City Council’s Budget & Fiscal Affairs Committee, just released a new City Draft Financial Policy which includes “financing all post-employment and employee benefit systems in a manner to systematically fully fund all liabilities,” and which attempts to address the other more significant drivers of the City’s financial challenges. All stakeholders deserve a comprehensive review and discussion and not one solely focused on pensions.
As always, HMEPS strives to keep participants informed, and will work to provide a secure retirement benefit now and for decades to come.
Sherry Mose
City Files Lawsuit Against the Houston Firefighters’ Relief and Retirement Fund - 1/22/2014
The City of Houston announced that it had filed suit against the Houston Firefighters’ Retirement and Relief Fund (HFRRF) to gain “the same input on contributions and plan design for HFRRF that it already has with the Houston Police Officers Pension System (HPOPS) and the Houston Municipal Employees Pension System (HMEPS).” HMEPS is not a party to the lawsuit.
HMEPS is governed by a separate statute, and has a Meet & Confer Agreement with the City.
We will continue to monitor any legal action that could affect the system, and will remain vigilant on behalf of our participants.
Sherry Mose
DROP Interest Rate is 6.79% for Calendar Year 2014
The Deferred Retirement Option Plan (DROP) interest rate for calendar year 2014 will be 6.79%, effective January 1, 2014. The rate was approved by the HMEPS Board of Trustees at the October 2013 Board meeting.
Several DROP participants have asked how the DROP rate is determined. Under the Meet and Confer Agreement, the DROP interest rate for each calendar year is half (50%) of the HMEPS investment return for the prior fiscal year, with a maximum rate of 7.5% and a minimum rate of 2.5%. The HMEPS investment return for Fiscal Year 2013 was 13.58% so DROP participants in 2014 will receive 6.79% on their DROP accounts.
DROP is an optional retirement method for members who have reached their normal retirement eligibility (age and years of credited service) but do not want to retire. It is an alternative method of accumulating and receiving a pension benefit from HMEPS. To speak with a benefit counselor to learn more about DROP, please call the HMEPS office at 713-595-0100.
2015 News & Updates
HMEPS Refutes Claims In Chronicle Article
HMEPS' Response to Current Pension Legislation
As you may know, the 84th session of the Texas Legislature is underway in Austin. Over the next several months, House and Senate Members will consider hundreds of bills on a wide array of issues relevant to state government.
You should be aware that there are bills (specifically HB2608 and HB2955) that concern us a great deal. These bills have been dubbed by some as “local control” bills. But they are nothing of the sort.
In fact, local control already exists in the Meet & Confer process, which has worked extremely well for HMEPS and the City. These bills work directly against this well established process.
It is our job to inform and educate legislators about the participants of HMEPS and how any proposed legislation would affect them. In addition, the Meet & Confer agreement between the City and HMEPS requires both of us (as parties to the agreement) to oppose bills like these, which threaten this carefully constructed process. The Meet and Confer provides:
“…the Parties agree, cooperatively and separately, not to file or submit, and to oppose any legislation that is filed in or submitted to the Texas Legislature, in the form of a bill or an amendment to a bill, that would result in a reduction of benefits or in a change under the Statute, and/or that would affect any of the matters covered by the Agreement, unless such a change is mutually agreed to by the Parties.”
HMEPS' Board of Trustees and staff are highly engaged on these bills, as well as other pension-related legislation, and will keep you informed as the legislative process in Austin unfolds. We ask that you stand ready to engage with your elected officials should that be needed. As always, we will remain vigilant in protecting the system and our participants.
Should you have any questions or need further information, please call our office at (713) 595-0100.
Sherry Mose
2016 News & Updates
HMEPS is having a notice posted at City locations and on the HMEPS website regarding HMEPS’ application to the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) for a determination letter on the qualification of the HMEPS plan. Upon application, the IRS issues a so-called "determination letter" that assures that the plan meets the detailed qualification requirements contained in the Internal Revenue Code at the time the letter is issued. The determination letter process is handled by the Employee Plans segment of the IRS's Tax Exempt and Government Entities Division.
A favorable determination letter indicates that the plan described in the written plan document meets Internal Revenue Code qualification requirements. HMEPS last received a favorable determination letter in November 2015. The IRS has a prescribed timetable for retirement plans to be submitted for an update of their determination letter, and this year is part of the window during which the IRS will accept updated submissions from governmental plans such as HMEPS. Accordingly, HMEPS is posting the notice as part of the determination letter request process.
2017 News & Updates
2018 News & Updates
News & Updates
2022 - 2024
2020 - 2021
Houston Municipal Employees Pension System
All rights reserved © 2018
Houston Municipal Employees Pension System
1201 Louisiana, Suite 900
Houston, Texas 77002
toll free. 800.858.1450
fax. 713.650.1961